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The preparation and performance of a hartybomb requires two things; A pool noodle with a hole through the middle, and a beer (must be in a bottle). One person must stand on a elavated surface and insert the drinking end of the beer bottle in the hole. Another peson will be below and place their mouth on the other end of the noodle. When initiated the beer holder will turn the bottle upside down-pouring the beer through the hole down to the bottom person who will be chugging the beer. Basicly it is Beer bong with the use of a noodle, and no funnel required. This technique was originated in Sydneham county, and created by Tommy K.

Phil: Man hartman just killed that hartybomb

Zach: No shit, I gotta do up a hartybomb

Brennan: Are you sure that noodle is sanitary!

by Raztastic Voyage July 21, 2009

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