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haunted vagina

A female's vagina that has recently undergone an abortion

Lucas: Wanna bang my sister tonight?
Jeff: Nah man! I hear that she had an abortion. Nobody wants to fuck a haunted vagina!

by Dick_Cheese69 March 8, 2018

25👍 4👎

haunted vagina

1. An active vagina that, should you enter, will haunt you for the rest of your life.

2. An inactive vagina that is said to have ghosts living in it.

Sense 1: "Her haunted vagina will leave you begging for more."

"Her vagina is so haunted, you'll be scared for the rest of your life if you get with her."

Sense 2: "She doesn't have a haunted house, just a haunted vagina!" Overheard at work

"Her man left her, now she have a haunted vagina."

"How many men she have that left her with a haunted vagina?"

"Ghost cocks in the haunted vagina."

by SF_SF1000 October 19, 2017

7👍 14👎