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A term of praise loaded with unintentional irony, used to sound supportive but in fact revealing how bad a situation is. Immortalized by President George W. Bush when refering to the handling of the Katrina disaster by ex-FEMA director Michael "brownie" Brown, he also used it to describe the hurricane-ravaged remains of New Orleans. In both instances, you could cut the irony with a spoon.

Brownie, you're doing a heckuva job.
- George W. Bush, 9/2/2005

(New Orleans is) a heckuva place to bring your family.
- George W. Bush, 1/12/2006

by Cyber0 January 13, 2006

30👍 12👎


Heckuva is heck of a but combined

Parent: That is a heckuva lot of money

Child: I know just don't steal it. I know you are jealous.

by LysstheUrbanGirl(ImAmerican) November 8, 2022

heckuva job

You're fired! Get out!

You're doing a heckuva job Brownie!

by Dr. Heywood R. Floyd April 3, 2007

58👍 6👎

a whole heckuva lotta bit

As opposed to 'a little bit', 'a lotta bit', and 'a whole lotta bit', "A WHOLE HECKUVA LOTTA BIT" expands the value of a specified term to an even greater extent than the three previous terms.

Ricardo: How much you miss that trick, a little bit?
Johnson: Nah B.
Ricardo: A lotta bit?
Johnson: Son, No.
Timothy: Negro, he miss her a whole heckuva lotta bit.

by MYNECKNOTHIS January 26, 2009

7👍 1👎

Heckuva Job Brownie

A statement said to someone with the last name brown. Usually sarcastically, like the way President said after Katrina to his lackee...

You're doin a heckuva job brownie, Now do you think we can fix this jet?

by Planet Loff August 19, 2008

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