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high jump

executed at track meets everywhere, this field event kicks all the other field events' asses! it's by far the best use of one's athletic talent. you have to have it all to be able to jump, and we're talkin' speed, flexibility, strength, endurance. the ultimate.

also: shiz is used to determine one's starting point.

kendra won the 2A state high jump with a jump of 5'8". amazing!

by kendra (shiz) November 2, 2006

106πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž

high jumping

Wining a dining a girl who has a boyfriend with the intention of setting her standards too high for him (or other men) to handle. A form of long term cock blocking against the general population.

Taking a girl you do not intend to date at that moment on a once in a lifetime experience like a vacation, concert, or something super amazing and fun.

I took that girl on a helicopter ride, she loved it. Too bad her boyfriend can't afford it, man I high jumping!

by Stealsyourgirl August 16, 2013

hautian high jump

When a hautian realizes that his or her life is utterly worthless at which time they climb to the top of the highest structure around and jump off, thus ending their misrable life.

see hautian

Poor Bubba did the hautian high jump.

by Eib October 31, 2003

20πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

jumping high five

see white guy high five

While a jumping high five is cool in theory, it actually looks quite stupid.

by bakaryu August 10, 2004

11πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

"High School Musical" Jump

A "High School Musical" Jump is a picture taken of someone while they have jumped and are in mid-air. It is inspired by the popular "High School Musical" movie posters of the cast members jumping in mid-air (hence the title).

Joe: Let's take a picture.

Alex: Let's make it of a "High School Musical" Jump!

Joe: Alright.

Alex: Okay...one...two...three...jump!

(As they jump and are in mid-air, the camera takes the picture.)

by gizmo19961 October 25, 2009

11πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

high school musical jump

A jump usually performed by the high school musical cast where you jump in the air holding hands and stay there, in midair. This jump is often performed by teenagers who were children in the high school musical era.

We did a high school musical jump in our class picture.

by Wereallinthistogether May 22, 2014

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Why do black people jump high?

The vigorous amounts of chicken they eat gives them flying abilities

Why do black people jump high? It’s the chicken

by Fafafa July 11, 2019

16πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž