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hockey boy

The Canadian term for a fuckboy. They play hockey and wear khakis with their hats on their foreheads. A boy who plays hockey but isn't a fuckboy is a hockey kid, not a hockey boy.

"I'm a hockey kid, but I'm not a hockey boy. I respect women."

by dontyattmedale December 16, 2019

62๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

hockey boy

Wears khakis, sperrys, hockey jackets, and have greasy flow. They wear trench coats, baseball caps and red scarves. Usually considered popular at school, always seen with their squad. Never by themselves. Fuck boys who think theyre sick!!!!

oh he's one of those fuckboy hockey boy guys

by SWAGyoLO January 19, 2015

62๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž

hockey boy

a hockey boy is either a 4'9" or 6'7" he's cool, and breaths oxygen. If he's not 4'9" or 6'7", then he's a fraud. Basically lives on the ice. His name would be Jackson, Jason, Justin, Joshua, Josh, Marco, Matthew, Max, Noah, Tyler, Donald, Daniel, Tristian, Christan, Cristian, Kyle, Adam, Carson, Greg, Owen, Diago, Harrison, Conner, Matteo, Griffen, Colen, and Anthony.

girl 1: Wow, he's cool.
girl 2: Yeah, he's a hockey boy.

by mike ox is a gabe itch January 31, 2020

14๐Ÿ‘ 7๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hockey boys

The hottest type of athletes

Omg hockey boys are so hot

by Lizzzz94 August 20, 2018

168๐Ÿ‘ 45๐Ÿ‘Ž

hockey boys

hot guys that wear khakis and hockey sweatshirts they can win every girl over with the hockey hair. they are followed to games by girls who sit in the bleachers and pretend to understand the game just like to get noticed by them. the abs are gorgeous and there flirting is dangerous

me: hey iโ€™m talking to someone
person: who?

me: some hockey boy
person: be careful
me: why?
person: hockey boys are m super hot and the hair is dangerous.

by puckslut123 February 8, 2019

53๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hockey boy

Fucking fuckboys all girls should avoid. At all costs. Flirting is dangerous. The hair can be magical, the abs are great, theyโ€™re hot, theyโ€™re great at flirting, and theyโ€™ll fuck You over like you ainโ€™t shit, theyโ€™ve got other puck bunnies to fuck.

Girl: I just wish there was a nice hockey boy who was ACTUALLY NICE and not a dick after a week or a month.

Friend: me too but they donโ€™t exist.

โ€”3 days laterโ€”

Girl: Iโ€™m in love with the sweetest hockey boy ever heโ€™s not like the other jackasses

Friend: give it time

โ€”3 weeks laterโ€”

Girl: *buring pictures and cryin* HE WAS SO NICE THO

Friend: hate to say I told you so

by Pick bunny December 29, 2018

44๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Hockey boys

Hot af, as long as they don't have a mullet

Bestie: "Hockey boys are so hot"
Me: " True, but most of them have ugly ass mullets"

by DorasOnCrack November 7, 2022

1๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž