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Old English form of 'to horde' meaning to band together.

"I am hordeing all the weed, covers, websites, talent.." means:

I am keeping it in the family. My family.

Technically, horders or people that horde, have to be in a group, since the word comes from a general term for rabble or band who held onto their conquests.

But perjoratively and , it means the motherfucker is looking at you in the eye and ripping you off.

Ken Firpo hordes all the real estate in Williamsburg

that bastard is hordeing the weed again

baby, you were hordeing the covers last night.

that dude hordes all the websites in town

by Will Kelley October 20, 2007

For The Horde!

A battle cry for those belonging to the Horde faction in World of Warcraft. Alternative to "For The Alliance!"

*charges into battle* FOR THE HORDE!!

by KurenaiDie June 10, 2019

42๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.A really calm person who doesn't give a fuck what anyone says.

2.A person that loves to do his own shit while other people are following the crowd.

That guy is hord.

by Positrons key June 7, 2014

47๐Ÿ‘ 21๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used in the MMORPG World of Warcraft for a group of players that play Orcs, Undeads, Trolls and Taurens. these people are the counterparts to the Alliance in the game. While the alliance population is mostly made up by people who are around 12-14 year olds that usually are gankers, whiners, noobs, ninjas and perverts, the horde consists more of people of age 16 and up. The horde players are more well-behaving, friendlier and cooler than the alliance. Still, they are a minority compared to the alliance for strange reasons, but in PvP, it doesn't matter because horde still has an increased 20% chance of winning in the battlegrounds.

And the horde wins again!

by Johannes Magnusson May 28, 2006

854๐Ÿ‘ 488๐Ÿ‘Ž


The only faction worth playing on World of Warcraft. There is an alternative, the Alliance, but that is only suggested if you enjoy sexual relations with farm animals.

"Why not come over and join the horde?" - Horde Player

"No thanks, I'm too busy trying to score with this goat." - Alliance Player

by Penpy August 23, 2007

504๐Ÿ‘ 289๐Ÿ‘Ž


1) Rampaging barbarians.
2) One of the two factions (the other being the Alliance) in World of Warcraft. Consists of three interesting tribal races, some annoyingly twee elves, and some creepy ghouls. Horde players are neither inherently more mature nor inherently more likely to gank. Commonly misjudged as the "evil" faction.

1) Watch out for the rampaging hordes of middle-schoolers.
2) No, the Horde are not "the bad guys." RTFM.

by Qit el-Remel December 27, 2007

200๐Ÿ‘ 115๐Ÿ‘Ž


How west coast niggaz pronounce the word hard.

You heard Truth Ali new shit? That shit hella hord cuz

by Lowkey loc September 27, 2018

14๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž