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Adjective - Feeling strongs emotions brought on by the hormonal fluctuations caused by a woman's menstrual cycle.

Noun - Hormotion: An emotion felt with particular intensity during the hormonal fluctuations caused by a woman's menstrual cycle.

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you. I'm just feeling hormotional today.

by Danielle Wright March 19, 2007

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when a person, usually a woman, is not only hormonal but also emotional. Generally occurs during pms.

jack: so last night at dinner i ask jill to pass me the salt and she threw a plate at me, started screaming, burst into tears and said she needed chocolate.

bob: don't worry man, she's just hormotional..

by liezel September 12, 2007


Being overly emotional due to pregnancy hormones, especially in regards to significant others' perceived indifference.

Not to be confused with whoremotional.

Betty: I don"t understand why you had to throw fireworks at me AND THE BABY!

Joe: Stop being so hormotional, it was funny!

by Pregosaurus May 6, 2010


That state of being, normally associated with the onset of menstration, in which the female of the species loses any ability to control her emotions, due mainly to the effects of hormonal imbalance. Other symptoms include the complete inability to reason logically and angry outbursts at any attempt to provide any reasonable solution to the imaginary problem.

After several hours of attempts to rectify the problem, I realized my wife was hormotional and that time was the only antidote.

by Big Daddy Mack Kane July 30, 2010

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Being overly emotional due to pregnancy hormones, especially in regards to significant others' perceived indifference.

Not to be confused with whoremotional.

Betty: I don"t understand why you had to throw fireworks at me AND THE BABY!

Joe: Stop being so hormotional, it was funny!

by Pregosaurus May 6, 2010


when you're hormonal because of your menstrual cycle and are emotional for no apparent reason

I don't know why I'm crying. I guess I'm just hormotional.

by pretty.ugly April 20, 2020


adjective to discribe random moodswings that women sometimes have when they're at that time of the month or pregnant (or just because)

Person 1: Jeez she was really cranky.
Person 2: Yeah, she's feeling a little hormotional.

by Ben Ibbo December 23, 2006

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