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i have no life

You have no life.You should go buy one of fuckin Amazon.

Dude1 I have no life

Dude 2: Go talk to your mom about masterbating im sleeping Jesus fuck

by freeloder34 May 27, 2017

36👍 5👎

Do I have a life


Catherine: Do I have a life
Ashley: No

by hourshours March 28, 2016

22👍 3👎

I'm a gamer, not because I don't have a life but because I choose to have many

A phrase memed all over the internet as a cringy gamer quote. It's also famous as a shirt design.

"I'm a gamer, not because I don't have a life but because I choose to have many" is one of many examples of how gamers are the worst thing to happen to gaming.

by CURNICNLGEE June 10, 2022

3👍 6👎