(adj.) When someone is one way in person, and a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT person online (on Facebook, in texts, IM, etc.), so much so that you wouldn't recognize them. The actual word has its roots in bi-polar and the way Apple puts a lowercase i in front of all their capitalized product names.
Psshh, don't listen to his stupid comments, the kid's iPolar. He acts super tough on Facebook, but he's nothing in real life.
Wow, I think Jess has iPolar-mania... she's really smart in person, Buwt r!t3z re4llii st00ped 1n textsssss!!!111one111 -.-
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When you think your battery will last, but it fails to stay on. In other words, you're happy just to have battery power, then you quickly become depressed because it died.
Guy 1: Yeah! I love this son....NO! IT DIED!! I'm going iPolar!!
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A sad modern affliction affecting anyone owning any technological object with an "apple" logo upon it. This illness leads to sufferers swinging from a "high" due to owning the aforesaid technological grail and being uniquely cool like all the other ithingummy owners, to a crushing depressive "low" when the person realizes they have paid a king's ransom for some hyped-up, over-marketed techno bauble and enhances their personality like toe jam does for foot hygiene.
Dude: Fuck what's with Nathan? He was all over me 10 minutes ago, showing off his new toy and that fucking app that tells you where all the manhole covers in your neighbourhood are located! And now, he's just snivelling in the corner, beating himself around the head with that ithing.
Dudess: Oh man, he's just suffering from ipolar disorder. If you want to really send him over the edge tell him Steve Jobs sucks balls for quarters.
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