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a pretty fuckin funny youtuber

iisuperwomanii is the shit

by bishidontneednomutherfukinname October 30, 2014

345πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž


The most awesome, bawse, sparkly unicorn that has ever graced the earth with her presence.
For those of you who dont know, she is also a youtuber.

Person A: Have you heard of iisuperwomanii?
Person B: Yeah I have, she's bawse!

by ThePandaestUnicornEver April 2, 2017

30πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


Most funny bitch on the face of the earth. If I'm having a bad day I know I can count on Lilly to make it better.

Girl 1: Have you heard of iisuperwomanii?

Girl 2: YEAH! She's fuckin awesome!!

Girl 1: I know right!

by Beyonce Is Bae February 28, 2016

34πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


irrelevant .

wow i guess you are iisuperwomanii now

by yeeeyeeee December 8, 2018


A well known Species for being unfunny,annoying,and dumb. It originated by a YouTuber who is hypocrite and is well known for her racist white jokes she often makes ugly faces and attracts 10 year olds

to her channel, She usually goes on Twitter to rant or talk about ”haters” when there really just funny

When u see a iisuperwomanii make the most ugliest face.

When your blocked by an iisuperwomanii go to Twitter.

When u see an iisuperwomanii run.

by That child😐 November 8, 2019

7πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


A YouTuber that 8 year olds still find funny.

She used to be genuine and funny, but now her jokes mostly consist of "Straight white men bad". As a female of color I'm all for LGBT+, Indian, and female representation, but ironically, her labeling every straight white men as bad is racist and sexist.

She constantly pretends to be a Jamaican person, which is also incredibly racist.

She is the host of a show called "A Little Late With Lilly Singh", which got canceled after the first season because of how shit it was.

Person 1: Omg I love iiSuperwomanii!

Person 2: Wow I didn't know I was hanging out with someone who has the mental capacity of a tater tot.

by awesrtyuiop[l;kjhgcfxd June 3, 2020

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž