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Importer disorder or syndrome is when someone who is afraid of people thinking they are not smart even tho they are. Even through success they feel like a disappointment. They might be afraid to ask for help with something they struggle with because if they don't get it right away it will show there lack of intelligence and point them out as fraudulent.

ex 1.
Person 1: wow Greg did a really good job.
Person 2: tell him that in his mind he didn't do anything right, he has imposter-disorder.
Ex 2.
Person 1: Hey Josh I heard your behind in physics I can help you catch up
Josh: *in head* what if he trys to teach me and I can't figure it out? He'll know I'm stupid
Josh: thanks but I'll just study on my own.

by Wishywashy34 January 5, 2019

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