To create a verb by improperly suffixing a noun with '-ize' (or '-ise' for European spelling). The method by which words such as 'monetize', 'securitize', and even 'legalize' are created. A practice generally frowned upon by linguists and geeks.
Created as sort of a self-parody of this formation.
The CEO of the megacorp had the geeks enthralled until he started izetizing his nouns to get his power verbs.
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Izet is a Bosnian variant of the Turkish given name Izzet from Arabic عزة, meaning honor, greatness. User submitted origins of the name "Izet" is Arabic (67%), Turkish (20%), Albanian (7%) and Bosnian (7%). They are known being very hospitable people and more welcomed in society. Haters are jealous about people named Izet because they have a lot of success in their lifes.
I am so jealous of Izet. He has everything and I got nothing.
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izet is my father
Beautiful small creature.
Pronounced as "ai-zet"
That girl is an Izet.
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A bosnian hero who grew up in the town of buzim, also was the comander of 505 Buzimska brigada. He died in operation storm 95
Hey do you know izet nanic
More like izet fappic LOL!!