Source Code


Alternate spelling of the word "Jews".

It is a well known fact that the j00z cause lots of problems.

by Mavericko September 27, 2006

122👍 38👎


It derives from the word "you". This is the way gamers talk to each other on line.

U r such a n00b. I ownz j00z. I rule W00T

by I love kali January 5, 2005

18👍 76👎


No, anon, you assclown, that's not what it means.

It's actually the word "you" in 1337.

PC G4m3r 0wnz j00z.

by Bladdy bladdy blah September 14, 2003

15👍 79👎

j00z b0><

A guy's nickname... he plays warcraft 3 and diablo 2

i got t3h pwn3d by j00z b0><!!!!1!!!

by gringe666 May 10, 2004

6👍 3👎