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jew - ni - ty
noun, plural.
1. A Jew's state of being one, at peace with his Jewiness.
2. A whole or totality of all Jews in jewnison.
3. The combination of several Jews working together as individual parts of a whole, jewnification.

1. Mr. Goldstein has finally reached jewnity.
2. Israel is a nation brought together by jewnity.
3. The cast of Seinfeld really shows you that jewnity is possible.

by RenatoM January 14, 2008

7πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž


When your initials are J.E.W. But you are not of Jewish decent

He he has jewnitials His initials are J.E.W. But he isn’t even actually Jewish

by MrEMan Mike M (MEM) December 17, 2021