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Jobn't is the superior word to the peasant-like "job less".

The word is used to describe in immense detail when a typically humanoid life form no longer labours for their master/boss.

Unfortunately however, this beautiful word hasn't seen the light of day yet, it is extremely buried under several layers of shitty memes, but it is on a conquest to become apart of the well known "memer's" vocabulary.

Man (normie): Hey, did you hear the news about billy?
Whamen (memer): Whomst'd've?
Man: You know, billy...
Whamen: o billy, yee I heard he jobn't.
Man: Jobn't?? That's not a word.
Whamen: Oh fuck off you non intellectual piece of shit, you should of learned last time. I'm sick of constantly telling you normies what shit means, fucking learn.

by thomasena July 28, 2018

34👍 8👎


getting fired

you'll get jobn't soon

by Pascal2905 July 30, 2018


Shortened version of unemployed.

Mary : You won't get any chicks if you stay jobn't.
Dick Thunder : Sniches get stiches, bitch.

by jobntman November 4, 2020

2👍 1👎