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A story about breaking a "Curse"

*you're watching a movie, and a character in the movie is trying to break a curse*
You: oh look! This is a Jojolion moment

by Ihavethedumbness June 18, 2021


the 8th part of the manga Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, where a sailor boy goes on a bizarre adventure to look into his past

Hirohiko Araki: Jojolion chapter 101 will be released on Chapter 101 of Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Part 8: Jojolion manga will be released on Saturday, October 17, at 9:30, am PDT
Jojolion Fans: poggers

by *insert funny jojoke here* October 13, 2020

18👍 1👎


A harem ecchi manga but it's made by Araki when he woke up feeling so horny

Look up jojolion chapter 9 (California King Bed Part 2) and you'll know what i'm talking about

by JoJoFanNumberIDKHowMuch October 29, 2020

4👍 13👎