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Drink composed by wine, Coca-Cola and sugar, also can be added licor of moor or brandy to him, delicious. Common in Spain

Yeee colega vamos a bebernos unos litros de kali!!!

by Kereck March 8, 2005

23👍 8👎

Kalimotxo rage

The result of drinking too many kalimotxo's when the drinker becomes enraged with everyone and everything around them.

Alex definitely kalimotxo raged last night- she said fuck you to everyone and then threw cereal bowls at a wall...for an hour.

by Candy-mane March 17, 2013


An alcoholic beverage made with the best ingredients : Coca-Cola and red wine.

It is usually made with cheap wine directly into the Coke bottle.

A 1:1 ratio should be ok, but this may vary depending of your wine. Basically, you want to adjust the sugar level to completely hide the terrible acidity of your cheap wine.

It is commonly drank during Basque parties also called Ferias. It never sold as is tho, you have to go to the supermarket to craft your own bottle and then you can wander in the streets like a true Basque !

Ew ! This Chateau Latour is terrible !
I have some coke in the fridge, let's make Kalimotxo !

by edenroad July 21, 2021