Twitch partner with 50k twitch followers and 100k YouTube subscribers and 20k twitter followers
His irl name is Ivan and he play osu! , valorant , apex legends he average 300 to 700 twitch viewers per streams , average 70k YouTube viewers
Kariyu is a poggers streamer
Kariyu is a king
Kariyu is the Fortnite guy
Kariyu an USA osu/valo player won 5k from fortnite and 10k from aim labs go watch him live on
Kariyu is a fortnite player :tf:
A Asian kid live in New York America that stream osugame and valorant and sped legends
He’s real name is Ivan
He’s a twitch partner with 50k that average 300 to 727 viewers in twitch and has a YouTube channel with over 100k subscribers and average 100k views per video he is verified in twitter and have over 20k followers
Kariyu is Fortnite guy
Kariyu hates visage
Kariyu is my favorite streamer