Source Code


1. cars and keys
2. a last name

"I left my Karki in my room"

by me love! March 26, 2008

16๐Ÿ‘ 13๐Ÿ‘Ž


When a baseball player grounds into a double play

Jay Gibbons grounded into a karkie

by Slava August 26, 2003

7๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


I am Karky
Fear my power of controlling/creating Wind. (and not only Via my ass)
Karky is someone who hates all townies and is a greb. ANIME rules but HENTAI rules better ^_^ WOO PORN

Karky, you are so kool.

by Mark June 19, 2004

8๐Ÿ‘ 26๐Ÿ‘Ž

Soham Karki

Soham is an embodiment of kindness and compassion. His warm smile and gentle demeanor make him a true beacon of positivity in the lives of those around him. He possesses an innate ability to make everyone feel valued and heard, which has earned him a special place in the hearts of his friends and acquaintances.

Soham's generosity knows no bounds. He is always willing to lend a helping hand to those in need, whether it's offering his time, support, or simply a listening ear. His acts of kindness extend beyond words, as he consistently goes the extra mile to make a positive impact on the lives of others.

One of Soham's most remarkable qualities is his unwavering empathy. He possesses an incredible ability to understand and empathize with the emotions and struggles of those he interacts with. This empathy allows him to offer meaningful guidance and support, making him a trusted confidant to many.

Soham's humility and humility shine through in everything he does. Despite his many virtues, he remains down-to-earth and approachable, never seeking attention or praise for his good deeds. Instead, he genuinely values the happiness and well-being of those around him.

In addition to his kindness and compassion, Soham is also known for his sense of humor and ability to bring laughter to any situation. His positive outlook on life is infectious, and he has a remarkable talent for turning even the gloomiest of days into moments of joy.

Alex: Hey Soham, I heard you volunteered at the animal shelter over the weekend. How was it?

Soham: Oh, it was an incredible experience, Alex. I got to spend time with some amazing dogs and cats. They were so playful and loving.

Alex: That sounds really rewarding. What made you decide to volunteer there?

Soham: Well, I've always had a soft spot for animals, and I wanted to give back to the community in some way. Plus, I believe in the importance of animal welfare, so it felt like the right thing to do.

Alex: That's admirable. You're such a Soham Karki

Soham: Thank you, Alex. I think it's essential to do our part to make the world a better place, even if it's through small acts of kindness.

Alex: I totally agree. Speaking of kindness, I remember you helped me out a lot when I was going through a tough time last year. Your support meant the world to me.

Soham: I'm glad I could be there for you, Alex. It's essential to support each other during difficult times. How are you doing now?

Alex: Much better, thanks to friends like you. And you always seem to bring positivity wherever you go.

Soham: Well, I believe in the power of a positive attitude. It can really brighten up someone's day, don't you think?

Alex: Absolutely. You're living proof of that, Soham. Thanks for being such an inspiring friend.

Soham: It's my pleasure, Alex. We're all in this together, and it's the connections we build and the kindness we share that make life beautiful.

by SohamKarkiIsAReal1 September 13, 2023

Soham Karki

A boy from the projects

Who are you?

My name is Soham Karki

by SohamKarkiIsANigga March 4, 2023

8๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


A nepali surname. Historical tax(เค•เคฐ) collectors

If life gives you a Karki, don't be like Lokman Singh Karki.

by xxbeastmaster69x February 16, 2022