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The supreme society that sits above all others. Is as the name suggests ruled by our beautiful leader Ken (Ryan Gosling). Also those horses were pretty rad and Ken's pickup truck was pretty sick too. ALL HAIL KEN!! ALL HAIL KEN!! ALL HAIL KEN!!

POV: Your in the Kendom

Me: Hey broski want to come drink some brewski beers in Ken's mojo dojo casa house.

Random girl: How did you get into my bedroom.

by KendomResident#2 July 22, 2023

14👍 1👎


"Kendom" is when you are SEXUALLY attracted to ken/ken dolls and get turned on my the thought ok ken dominating you in sexual activities.

One of my kinks are "kendom". I love thinking of ken dominating me.

by YoEvoo July 29, 2023

2👍 8👎