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kamala hive

kamala: kamala
khive: khive

by cyclox April 14, 2021

91๐Ÿ‘ 10๐Ÿ‘Ž


A term used as a slur by racists, sexists, and other conservatives
KHive, used correctly, describes a group of progressive democrats who celebrate things like the utter destruction of Prop 8, accomplished with the help of then-California Attorney General Kamala Harris.
Used incorrectly, it is hate speech against black voters specifically, and more generally, against anyone who does not put the needs of White Heterosexual Affluent Males above all others.

"What? She didn't want to elect a Green Party puppet in the Democrat Primary? Probably Khive. Make five new Twitter accounts and fuck her up."

by the modhatter August 6, 2021

253๐Ÿ‘ 103๐Ÿ‘Ž


#KHive is an online group of supporters for Senator Kamala Harris. It was started around January 2019 by @RealKHiveQueenB and is used to push back on any lies, smears, bigotry or bullying we see against Sen. Harris or each other. It is also a group filled with love and respect for each other

KHive brings the checks and the receipts

by KHive lexicon August 16, 2020

696๐Ÿ‘ 110๐Ÿ‘Ž



Often denoted with a bee emoji or a the scales of justice and sometimes both, KHive is a group of Democrats who support a fellow Democrat who has stepped inside elected offices traditionally held by conservative white male Republicans and fought for social justice.

KHive has attracted many conservative enemies. Their favorite topics include their own victimhood in online arguments, doing the "work," and online drama that they have typically either involved themselves in or started outright. Often can be found engaging in the same sort of actions for which they have derided others including mobbing and harassing opponents, inwardly reflective conversation resulting in incredible bias, and a caustically toxic history of fractured leadership and infighting.

Other signs of KHive opposition include a red rose, an until-death defense of Reagan Republicans, and unflinching and unending anger at literally anything Vice President Kamala Harris does -- and also, unending anger at her when the press doesn't cover the good work she's doing.

The group has been recognized by Harris, as well as her husband, First Gentleman Douglas Emhoff, likely unaware of the toxicity of those opposed to KHive.

"I swear I have no problem with women or people of color, but the women and people of color in KHive who expect me to be less toxic to women and people of color are annoying as hell."

"I don't know if it's worth it to share that toxic post -- KHive will debunk it, and facts are annoying to deal with."

by the modhatter November 12, 2021

87๐Ÿ‘ 38๐Ÿ‘Ž


In the age of social media falling down on the job and refusing to moderate #FakeNews and #AlternativeFacts, one group has consistently stood up to misinformation. Since the patriarchy's propaganda campaigns focus on females or people of color, someone who is both tends to receive the most slanders and libels.

For this reason, many of the #JoyfulWarriors who stand up for facts have been labeled #KHive -- to the extent that anyone who debunks false information is labeled as such, regardless of how they actually feel about AG/Senator/Vice President Kamala Harris.

"What? That Twitter user doesn't agree that 'Blood And Teeth' is a substantive plan to address the needs of the socioeconomically disadvantaged??? Must be KHive."

by the modhatter December 31, 2022

39๐Ÿ‘ 31๐Ÿ‘Ž


Used correctly, KHive is a term used for high-information voters who have seen the value of the work being done my Vice President Kamala Harris. She has a long record of stepping into offices traditionally held by conservative white males, and applying socially-progressive theories, to prevent crime, and to prosecute criminals that conservatives tend to ignore, from rapists to big banks. As California Attorney General, she risked her job to affirm that Prop H8 is indefensible, paving the way for the Supreme Court to reaffirm that marriage is a fundamental right that cannot be denied to LGBTQ+ people. As a Senator, she was famous for making the patriarchal establishment nervous.

However, many people who do not recognize that they are PART of the patriarchal establishment hate the candidate who, despite being forced out of the Primary by the rich patriarchy, has become the Vice President. They misuse "KHive" as a slur, the way that their MAGA counterparts would call such supporters "Antifa." It has become dog whistle for "uppity black woman," even though millions of Vice President Harris' supporters are neither black nor women. Facts do not matter to them. If they make toxic, pro-Putin comments, they believe "only KHive could possibly take offense to this toxicity!"

Tea Party: "Democrats are scrambling to find a replacement for President Biden in 2024."
Constitution: If for some reason President Biden needs to be replaced, he will be succeeded by the Vice President.
Tea Roses: "OMFG, you must be KHive."

by the modhatter May 24, 2022

36๐Ÿ‘ 30๐Ÿ‘Ž



A term coined for people who support Vice President Harris, the "Kamala Hive" is a grass roots group who have done our research and found someone who did the work to replace conservative White Heterosexual Affluent Males in criminal justice and bring a progressive approach to crime PREVENTION over punishment, winning her a promotion to famously progressive California's Attorney General position. After putting her career on the line and refusing to defend the indefensible Prop H8, she was elected to the Senate, and then chosen as Biden's running mate, becoming a First in many categories, as she has in previous elections. Now, she is using her Constitutional role to break ties in the Senate, while promoting maternal health, and serving as an ambassador for the Biden Administration.

Of course, many hostile online users use "KHive" the same way other conservatives use "BLM" or "Antifa." Many of the people they label "KHive" are merely progressive voters who support pragmatic real-world solutions to the GOP Supreme Court, the 50 Republican Senators controlling Congress, and the de facto even split in the House between Democrats, and the GOP/Squad alliance who vote against things like removing lead from Michigan water, or seizing assets of Russian oligarchs being used to murder children and pregnant women in Ukraine.

"You mean, she doesn't support stealing tribal lands in 2022??? OMG, she must he KHive!!!"

by the modhatter June 28, 2022

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