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kinky torpedo

1. an electric rod that converts salt to chlorine, then back to salt in a hot tub.

2. a device used for sexual pleasure either anally or vaginally, usually in a wet setting, such as pool, pond, shower, sewage pipes, etc. it omits electrical light and currents and sensual chemicals that leave a lasting impression on your genitals. :)

3. in relativity to definition 2, anything one shoves up another's ass, or any sort of dildo. "kinky torpedo" just sounds better.

1. daughter: hey, mom, you better check the spa, our kinky torpedo's on the fritz again.

2. girl#1: so i was with kyle and we were taking a bath together, and suddenly he puts his hand over my eyes and is all, "baby, i got us a gift." then, i feel this buzzing sensation near my kooch, and i open my eyes to the most amazing tingly feeling and see that hes using a kinky torpedo on me!

girl#2: OMG was it weird?!

girl#1: it was AWESOME!!! girl#2, you've GOT to try it.

3. gay man: ooo i love them kinky torpedo's. ;)

by sugarlesshigh January 2, 2011

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