Source Code


A Mick, Irishman, drunkard, brawler...one who exemplifies all the stereotypical traits of being Irish

Check out that Kinsella, yo, he just pounded that lil' biatch that wrote the other defination for Kinsella!

by not a blond bitch September 2, 2003

47πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


The Gaelic (Irsish word) for Kinsale, County Cork, Ireland.

Kinsella (Kinsale) is the best place in the world

by 'TAVI December 13, 2003

21πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž


Name deriving from Ireland.
1) Badassery
2) Bar Brawlers, Heavy Drinkers
3) Something that is too awesome.

Phillip: "Whats your last name?"
Patrick: "Kinsella."
Phillip: "Fuck yeah."

by Ktk1234 April 5, 2009

28πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

jessica kinsella

A Jessica Kinsella is someone with typically brown hair and glasses.
She is actually pretty cool go be friends with her πŸ‘Œ

Wow that’s jessica Kinsella, how cool is that fam?

by The fit guy master November 24, 2018

9πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Minkey Kinsella

Accident Prone

Minkey Kinsella: i think if you look my name up in the dictionary there will be the words "accident prone". doh!

by MrWolvie April 8, 2012

8πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Luke Kinsella

He's smart, witty, annoying, funny and A future Prime Minister of Australia.
Quote By Himself

Luke Kinsella is such a nice bloke.
If I have problem I go to him.
Even though he's a bit full of himself, he's a very smart and funny guy.
All he talks about is Politics.

by Longwang68 October 3, 2020

Liam Kinsella

Liam Kinsella is a sigma male chad with balls the size of bowling balls no doubt the sexiest man on the planet and anybody else pales in comparison to the giga chad

Liam Kinsella is a sexy beast

by Dashboard April 23, 2022