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A girl that's cute, sexy, and adorable. Usually very chill when you get to know them. Guys consider her as a hot girl with a smart brain. Nevertheless, she is very mature comparing to people in her same age. She is the kind of girl that can do both girly and guy stuff. Also, she isn't afraid to be a confident, independent, and strong minded woman. She can be interested with lots of things with different varieties. She will accomplish something that's on her mind no matter what it takes to achieve it. When it comes to relationships, she isn't the type of girl that will break your heart. If a guy treats her right, that guy will be the happiest guy on the planet. Kristal is weird sometimes, because she has the tendency to look at hot models (both hot girls and guys). Surprisingly, she is straight af. She will be your best friend if you both can trust each other. Kristal is absolutely caring, nice, and friendly. If you need some support, she will be the first one to care about you and your feelings. Don't try to mess with this girl, because she will remember everything you did in the past and try to hold grudges. In her mind, she will plan on to murder you if you mess with her.

A: (Whistle) Hot damn! Look at that hot blondie over there bro!

B: Dude! That's my best friend Kristal. Don't you try to hit on her.

by LuckyCharms3349 September 8, 2016

317πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


A heaven spawned ray of light delivered upon the earth to show motherfuckers the the way.

Can you turn on the Kristal? I'm having a hard time seeing your heart.

by StormyHoney March 14, 2016

80πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


a smart and sexy woman who fucking rules

That is so awesome it must be kristal

by big dick 66 December 7, 2010

393πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


A MOTHER FAWKING G...This pack of awesomeness is the best shit in town niggah!

Kristal, is a G all day EVERY DAY!

by Douchebag face April 13, 2008

530πŸ‘ 203πŸ‘Ž


A smart, beautiful young woman, that has a very large future.

Wow kristal is so smart,

by krisssssssss February 7, 2018

113πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž


Kristal is a girl that doesn’t like to fuvwak and speaks her mind she is not scared of no bihh and she will tell u what she think bout you just ask her !

Boy:Kristal u wanna fuvwak
Kristal:fuck no yo dick smell like shit just like your breath .

by Nunyabuizzzzz November 14, 2018

26πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


a female with a stunning body/booty

that girl is such a Kristalle!

by BieberLuva November 23, 2011

10πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž