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When you are slowly going insane from boredom or are in school with nothing better to do, you type up random words using all the letters on the keyboard to try and find one that hasn't been used yet/

God, I'm so f**king bored, I know! I'll type 'laksjdhfgmznxbcvpqowieuryt' and see if its taken.
Sorry, this is my word.

by Deadlock6 May 7, 2018


When you are slowly going insane form boredom, or are in school and with nothing better to do, you type up random 'qwerty' words to see if there's one not defined yet.

God, I'm so f**king bored, I know! I'll try 'laksjdhfgmznxbcvpqowieuryt' and see if it isn't taken.

SORRY dude, I got here first.

by Deadlock6 May 7, 2018


Something you type when you are bored out of your mind, beyond any boredom seen before, when you have already typed every single qwerty combination and you decide to actively look for qwerty combinations that don't have an urban dictionary entry.

Me - I got so bored i laksjdhfgmznxbcvpqowieuryt'ed and it wasn't on urban dictionary yet.

by ScienceBerry October 12, 2017


One of the many 26 letter boredom words. Made by first alternating between the right and left keys on the middle row, then the bottom row, then the top row.

I wonder what happens if I google "laksjdhfgmznxbcvpqowieuryt"

by rowdyrello June 11, 2024