When you're in a k hole and you call this girl that you got with once 8 times for a consecutive hour at 4 a.m because you're down bad and everyone knows that lally - gogging is the best way to pick up girls at the end of the day... But it's a tested method so it's proven to work every time it works.
"I was so down bad last night I couldn't stop lally-gogging" - someone who did ketamine last night
"I'm really into this girl but I accidentally told her I'm an orphan" - some dude
"just Lally-gogg the bitch it always works" - his really smart friend
"man idk she might be asleep" - a man
"no no, it's Lally gogging she missed the first 7 calls" - really intelligent bystander
*no lallys were gogged in the formation of this concept*