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the man who can literally disassemble the space station in under fifteen minutes, albeit only known to few fortunate ones.

A: Man, my laptop's graphic chip just got fried into raw silicon
B: Only lathi would know how to turn it back into something useful

A: I dont know what to do! This crap is beyond me
B: if only we could find lathi
A: yeah, thats what she said

by lemoncake November 19, 2012


Refers to one's super clingy boyfriend. The kind of no brainers who serve as slaves to their girlfriends. Originally used in India .

Hey Padhi, you know Yash?

Yes,man. He's a total Lathi.

by GobindaMadhaba69 July 13, 2018

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Term used to describe a mode of attack favoured by Indian cops when attacking protesters. Basically the same as a baton-charge, but using long sticks known as lathis. In a lathi-charge, pigs run at a crowd and start randomly beating the nearest people with five-foot-long bamboo rods.

The roadblock lasted for three hours before police used tear gas and lathi-charge to break it up. Protesters later regrouped outside the police headquarters to continue their agitation.

by Andy February 7, 2005

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lathi card

Forcing other(s) to be consistent with what the other's said, either/both to attack the opponent(s) and/or evading allegation(s)

Also known as: tu quoque fallacy

Originated from traditional Javanese proverb: ajining dhiri ana ing lathi /ɑ•dʒee•neeng deer•ee o•no ing la•ti/ (your words determine your self esteem)

If you playing the Lathi card, you're losing the argument and no one can save you, not even yourself

Remember: two wrongs ain't make no right/two wrongs don't make a right

by Sir. B April 8, 2021