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Lauk is the sexiest man alive. he loves everyone except Thomas. his penis is average in India! he gets all the boys but doesn't want them.

I wanna be like Lauk in bed!

by Denstoreguden March 6, 2020

1👍 4👎


Kei toffe griet!!!!! Coole krullen en slim, misschien een lichte obsessie me kinder chocolade ma da komt nog wel goe! Als ge een lauke hebt hou ze bij ma nie als er kinderchocolade is want die bitch komt voor u! Lauke is ook kei grappig lief en behulpzaam(als ze er 2 kinderchocolade voor krijgt ;) ). Iedereen houd van lauke! ❤️❤️❤️

Ey heeft lauke mijn kinderchocolade gestolen?!?!

by Die andere rosse October 20, 2019


An Indonesian term for something eaten with carbohydrate-rich foods. Has no equivalent to English and any translators translate this as "side dish" but this isn't accurate as it should be eaten together with something like rice, noodles/pastas, and bread, not separately. But this term is less commonly used to refer toppings or fillings of something like bread/flatbread and spring rolls

"I eat fried chicken and nuggets as my rice lauk"

"Mutton is a great lauk for flatbreads"

"Pepperoni is one of the mostly used lauks in pizzas"

"Half-cooked eggs are good for noodles lauk"

by PuniUwUCute February 12, 2023