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A leech-joke;

When a person attempts to ride the coattails of a joke that someone else has just made. The leech joke will, in one-hundred percent of cases, involve the same basic premise as the original joke, though the leech may slightly alter words to attempt to inject some degree of originality into proceedings.

The leech-joke will commonly receive:

a) a few charity cough-laughs
b) a look of confused disdain from everyone within earshot.
c) a violent reprisal

A Social Example of a Leech-Joke in Practice:

(To group at table)

Ted: ... so essentially what she's saying is that she did not notice a vas deferens between either..

(raucous laughter)

(at same table, seconds later)

Derek: (loudly) Yes, because they both had penises, but neither was very different, at all!

(Cue coughing and shoe-gazing around the table as fellow diners try desperately to avoid eye-contact with Derek.)

by NutsNGum September 13, 2011

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