The process of putting a leftist slant on a conservative, moderate, or even factual story. If a story in the news works against the leftist power structure, some "news" entity will edit the story through the lens of leftification.
All so-called "fact-checkers" are really Leftification Outlets. Facebook recently had to admit their fact-checkers were really opinion writers, i.e., leftification artists.
The Democrat media was quick to apply leftification tactics to the Kyle Rittenhouse story. One such story was that he "crossed state lines with a gun to go shootemup in Kenosha. He did no such thing. The gun was already being stored, legally, in Kenosha.
Fact-checkers gave away the game when they started fact-checking President Trump's jokes. There was obvious leftification of anything that Trump said.
Google's search results are loaded with leftification sites.
Zoom meetings tend to devolve into zoomnonsense when the leftification starts.
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