Shes horny as fuck and only wants dick
Shes the queen of blowjobs
She brags about being freaky
Will try to steal ur man but he dont want her
Has a big ego with an even bigger nose
Nudes will def get leaked because she’s desperate to send
Spends her all money on vibrators
Her favorite past time is masturbating on omegle
She might cheat but if she settles she will do that man good every night
Any guy would be lucky to have a lemora because she would fuck him silly whenever he wants her to
If you meet a lemora, just get on top of her, trust me
Her pussy is the way to her heart❤️
OMG I wanna get laid so bad!!
You sound so much like lemora!
a unfunny troll and will try to steal ur man. thinks shes black and from the hood but is really jealous bc ur man dosent want her. has a mountain of a nose and will commonly have a bunch of acne