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The product of a noted evolutionary conglomoration of three beings into one due mostly to excessive co-dependence and poorly executed CRT(read: College to Reality Transition). Lenielle is not a fictional character but can actually be spotted out in the wild, usually, however, in bars, on the weekends. The breakdown is as follows; Lori (L) Jennifer (en) Danielle (ielle) and one must take note that when refering to only one-third of "Lenielle" that particular third must be verbally emphasized.

Random Dude: "I saw Lenielle the other night."
Random Dude 2: "Yea, lenIELLE was giving out bracelets with butterflies on them."
Random Dude: "Weird."

by Jaci March 1, 2005

6๐Ÿ‘ 3๐Ÿ‘Ž


1.A tall Hispanic guy with an Afro. Heโ€™s a good friend, but if you pull his horn the wrong way, be prepared for a Donnybrook, your gonna need more than your moms queef to survive this tilly.
2.A fight

Person1: Iโ€™m not sure I can beat Leniel in this fight
Person2: I heard he locker boxed an ostrich

Person1: before or after he dated John Grishamโ€™s sister
Person2: itโ€™s almost not worth thinking about

by Super accurate description October 9, 2020