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Let's play by clit

Occasional response of a busy career single woman with good income to a request to plan a night out with an attractive friend.
It is basically a complement to the widespread idiom "let's play by ear" and, as said, it is typical of ultra-busy women that once in awhile remember to be female in need of some good healthy butt-naked squat thrust activity. As they can't predict the sudden coming of the urge in order to plan ahead, and can't be bothered to, then "Let's play by clit".

Johnny on the phone: "Wazzup Martha, haven't seeing you in a long while honey..."

Martha: "I know! These presentations have been draining me out"

Johnny: "Wanna have dinner or something tomorrow night"

Martha: "Wish I could commit to that, sweetie. I have one presentation more to prepare and I haven't started yet. But then again, it's been way too long,so...you know what, let's play by clit. In case I'll buzz you, that OK?"

by Parcerito April 15, 2011

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