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To go to someone's house and watch Linkin Park on DVD on a 50" TV with loud surround sound in order to pregame before a heavy night of drinking. While watching the Linkin Park DVD, it is normal to use household items, such as swiffer jet mops, and groceries, such as bananas, as microphones. It is also common to throw cantalopes at vehicles during these shenanigans. In most cases, the people who are "linkinparkinit" begin to mosh in the living room, and may even knock columns off balance. Usually a night of "linkinparkinit" will result in ankle injuries, which will require the use of swiffer jet canes.

Goldstein: "Hey I just got free tickets to the superbowl, with free airfare, plus we get to eat dinner with Kim Kardashian, and 2 Penthouse Playmates...wanna come?"
Me: "Nah Goldstein, I think I'm gonna be Linkinparkinit that weekend"

by London Gentleman April 18, 2008

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