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A town in Runescape. After someone's owned and killed your ass you'll respawn there next to the well.

Liek omg 3 hit to lumbridge fhking noob.

by quiklas January 5, 2006

63πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž


An expression meaning that are totally fucked, normally on drugs. Comes from the game Runescape, and the place where you respawn when you die.

Guy 1: "Are you fucked?"
Guy 2: "I'm so in Lumbridge."

Guy 1: "Want another joint?"
Guy 2: "No mate, that would be a one-way ticket to Lumbridge."

by KingofLumbridge November 11, 2013

16πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


A disgusting and heinous in smell, texture and taste. Like poop.

β€œThe bathroom walls are smeared with lumbridge.”

by nickelcaudleauvelcaudle March 19, 2024


Used to describe an object putrid in smell or appearance.

β€œWoah dude, it smells like lumbridge in here”

by thecoolestguyever69420 March 19, 2024


Something disgusting and foul, often akin to sewage or excrement.

β€œThis sandwich tastes like straight lumbridge”

by thecoolestguyever69420 March 19, 2024