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mad feelings

when someone has an extreme liking towards someone that's basically driving them mad.

"I have mad feelings for you more than you can imagine."

by Kayla2729 April 6, 2017

18👍 4👎

mad feels

when you like/love someone so much that it's hard to focus on anything and anyone else; extremely deep and passionate gratitude towards someone

i have mad feels towards jessica man, im flunking so many classes because that ass is always on my mind.

by Kale69 June 20, 2017

2👍 1👎

Feels mad lad

When nothing is going your way and you just want to tell someone! FML!!!

wake up
put on shoes
go to the shops

realise your still naked apart from your shoes
FML (feels mad lad)

by Phianon September 3, 2010

5👍 7👎