Source Code


The act of a vampire trying to fit in with human society, such as drinking synthetic blood while being able to be around the human population. Refraining from feeding from humans while in social situations.

While at Fangtasia, Bill told Pam he hadn't been around much, as he had been mainstreaming. (characters from True Blood)

by Kellmeister37 February 28, 2009

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The Mainstream

A machination of the corporate world. Designed to target a creative outlet and turn it into a business model, target market, key demographic, etcetera.

How the mainstream operates:

1. The mainstream is established...
2. An alternative is established to the mainstream...
3. The mainstream targets the alternative...
4. The alternative becomes the mainstream...

And therefore the alternative loses its identity, having become absorbed by the very system it was established to rally against. Mainstream for the masses...

by GoAskAlex1991 August 1, 2011

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Mainstream is what's the new trend. when one "style" gets old, a new one is reborn, a mainstream person is someone who jumps from trend to trend so that they fit in with the rest of the crowd. Mainstream is being what society thinks you should be, and look like.

Avril lavigne took the casual wearage of the tie,something "underground" and unique, and turned it into something everyone wears, she turned it into something "normal", a trend. mainstream.

by Emily Pormann July 15, 2003

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A person (or more commonly persons) which follow the common/accepted/most seemingly popular trend. The trends are normally labeled, causing a divide of those who conform and do not conform (non-conformists) until the non-conformists become the common trend, creating a cycle.

Today's common mainstream trends are labeled as 'emo' (Many of these titles are misused). The older term for the jumping of trends is 'Fashionista or Fashionister'

by The Minorate Majority December 31, 2008

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The brainwash big businesses put out. They feed young adults with worthless movies and music. The trend. All very fake, they put out whatever is in style. Many are too filtered out by the mainstream's brainwash to wake up.
Very few mainstream artists are worth listening to.

"Reality" Tv shows would be an example. They saw how people watched Survivor, and they fed off it.

"Swimming in the mainstream- Is such a lame, lame dream." - Rollins/Black Flag

by Zack August 3, 2004

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The bane of the elite, mainstream media (mostly musical) receives constant abuse from many listeners of underground/unsigned bands/musicians.

A band is often labled mainstream when it attempts to appeal to a wider audience, such as when Slipknot released 'The Subliminal Versus', or Cradle of Filth's more recent releases.

Of course the most topical band on this subject at the moment is Green Day. After releasing 'American Idiot', the elitist hoards (as opposed to the pop-culture masses) cried out curses of 'Selling Out'.

Unfortunatly this will never end, because there must always be an underdog, and elitism is blessed cross to bear.

Although one must ask the question, out of the mainstream and the underground, which is the oppressor, and which is the oppressed...

Brian was a big Green Day fan, and would wash his corn flakes down with Longview every morning.

One day he turned on the radio and a song came on called American Idiot, and he quite liked it. He was humming it as he walked to school before realising that eveyone else was as well.

My God, his favourite band had become popular! It was no longer his alone, it belonged to the unwashed hoards now!

Falling to his knees, tearing his Basket Case t-shirt and looking up into the downpour of rain, he declaired unto the Heavens, "I HAVE NO SON!" before realising that he really did have no son and was actually pissed about his band's success.

People say that if you hang around in the bushes outside of Brian's house at night, you can still hear the faint tones of When I Come Around over his weeping.

by Nedia July 6, 2005

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A gigantic brainwashing cover that the media and the government uses to blindly mislead people into all going the same way. Mainstream should die. I hate people nowadays because they are all the same: Same trend, same bland as pigshit personalities, and same predjudice. Rap is known for influencing mainstream. So is Hip-Hop.

Mainstream should die.

by BOFH November 30, 2004

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