It's an insult in napolitan dialect that can be translated in "Your Mother".
It's usually matched with sex allusions in front of the word.
"Mocc a mammt" (Dick in mouth)
"Ngul a mammt" (Anal sex)
"m facc a mammt" (I make sex with you mother)
An italian expression typical of the Abruzzo region. It means literally "in your mum's ass" , but you can use in every context:
-When you are angry with someone
-When you are tired
-When you hurt yourself
A:Hahahah i tuoi capelli fanno cagare
Hahahah your hair sucks
B:Ngul a mammt
ammoc a mammt is a napoletean word that means "your mother is a bitch".
Person 1: I fucked your girlfriend last night
Person 2: ammoc a mammt
"In culo a tua madre"
é in dialetto abruzzese (Italia)
Insulto tipico di quella zona.
"Che cazz shti ffa?! Ma ngul a mammt!
Italian expression mostly used in the Abruzzo region. It means literally: 'in your mum's ass', but you can use it in every context:
-When you're angry with someone
-When you are surprised
-When you are tired
A: Hahahah i tuoi capelli fanno cagare
"Hahahah your hair sucks"
B: Ngul a mammt
in the mouth of ur mom like my d in ur moms mouth🧍
-u are the dumbest person i have ever met
-mocc a mammt
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