Source Code

marble bag

Speedo bathing suit.

Kevin, at the pool: Hey what's that clacking noise?
Mark, puffing out his chest: That's my marble bag. Check it out.
Kevin, cupping: Not bad, not bad.
Mark, jumping back: Hey! Look, but no touch!
Kevin: I've held better.

by Pantaloon February 10, 2008

183👍 38👎

marble bag

a pair underwear the only supports you balls

man that guys wang isnt in his underwear

by kumar January 11, 2005

17👍 53👎

Marble Bag

The male genitalia. More specifically the scrotum.

Dude! You hit me right in the marble bag.

by Erik Aguilar January 28, 2004

64👍 43👎

german marble bag

A too-small speedo bathing suit.

While at the beach, some overweight moron strolled by in his German marble bag all but exposing his hairy nut-sack.

by Ray September 17, 2003

13👍 9👎

three marble bag

The contents of a speedo when the gentleman sporting said garment is over the age of 40 and walking out of a fairly chilly surf.

Check out the three marble bag on that guy!

by oban144u July 29, 2011

1👍 5👎

marble bagging

When your Scrotum is long enough to envelope a penis. The goal is to get a Testicle on either side of the shaft.

I was marble bagging this guy in the alley last night.

by Aloha01! April 22, 2020