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The alternative view to MarieKnife, also known as Forg, Ollie, or Aphrogdite. Marieknife is the enemy. Either I'm insane or they're a cognito hazard made by the Irish to boost their reputation. Either way I'm jealous. THEY GET TO BE MORE SANE THAN ME OR HAVE POWERS! EITHER WAY THEY BEAT ME AND THAT CANNOT HAPPEN. They are also Irish and legally (not) my parent and I refuse to accept that.

Person X: MarieKnife sucks!
Person J: I will murder you.
MarieKnife: *mind control*
Person X: Hail the Irish!

Person R: Holy shit... MARIEKNIFE IS IRISH!? *angery lad being angery*
MarieKnife: Ron go home.

by WotsitDude69 October 27, 2022


marieknife is a person who is Irish (me too omg!!!!) and have a lot of roles for some reason and they also smell because they surpassed someone greater in followers.

I feel so sick, i feel like i have Marieknife

by MassivePeenus October 31, 2022