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your mother's whore.
if you have searched for this word, it is because you are desperate because of this slut.

I have a good grade in mathematics! (It's not true)
your mother is a MATEMATICA.

by rxin. November 22, 2021

oare cat de suspect ar fi fost daca noi vorbeam prin matematica

Spoken by Carmin_35, the origin of the word takes place back in 2021. It means ''how suspicious it would have been if we were talking in math'', Carmin_35 is a popular member of ROBLOX Romania.

Carmin_35: ”Oare cat de suspect ar fi fost daca noi vorbeam prin matematica.”
HermmanSigmaringen:”esti cringe.” ( You're Cringe )

by Vosifey200 February 20, 2022