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An emo mod of the TeenHut forums.

Targeting specific users, he'll typically wait for the slightest opportunity to infract one of these said members mostly based on past butthurt. Instead of admitting his mistakes and making amends, he insists on backing himself (in Mattland, looking like an arse) and saying things like "You're dumb" and the ever-popular neg rep.

His e-girlfriend, Lana (who's also emo; imagine that), is also an active member of the forum. Using her Ultimate VIP membership to return neg reps, she is often found running to her mod e-boyfriend every time she's a little butthurt. This often results in the butthurter getting infracted; and in some cases, banned.

He considers himself the alpha male of the mods, and his fellow mods don't dare disagree with his infractions.

Basically, do not expect much from him, because through his thick eyeliner (borrowed from Lana, of course) he sees the internet as the real world. Remember kids, the internet is serious business.

User 1: "Let's make an Encyclopedia Dramatic article for TeenHut"
Mattster: "How about I follow what was written about me.. And ban everyone who posted here? =D"
User 2: "Hows about you stop taking shit so seriously, and take a joke?"
Mattster: "olol fuk u 2"
Mayank: *facepalm*

by Crapster August 5, 2009

62👍 22👎


A quite/sneaky basterd who typically says "dope" and smokes pot

Hey what's up mattsters

by Reece wood July 8, 2017