MCO has been shut down once again due to multiple hurricanes.
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Now the Air call name for Orlando Internatiolnal Airport, from the Abbreviation of McCoy Airforce Base, which existed there previously.
Flight 221 to MCO now departing.
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Pronounced M-Ko, Mco is a term used to label someone, something, or some place that defines the epitome of "middle-class obscurity": ie. an example of extremely typical middle-class conformity to the point where nothing remotely interesting can ever come of it or from it, or where even the slightest exposure to the MCO person, item, place or thing may render your existence culturally irrelevant through osmosis.
Mco can refer to people who live in a typical middle-class way, typically middle-class ideas and values, typically middle-class objects, or typically middle class objects.
Mco is the direct opposite of avant-garde (avgar).
I can't live in that house; it is just too mco. Before I knew it, I'd be wearing Boden and cooking Nigella recipes.
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"Dave claims to be an MCO, but I know the truth, man. I talked to his girlfriend."
Mentally checked out.
The thought of a future together doesn't excite you.
MCO of the world . Less and less involved.
Mentally Checked out.
The thought of a future together doesn't excite you.
MCO from the world. Less and less involved.