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to fuck over or trick some one.

Game developer "Hey i have a vision buy my next gen game! it is uber!!!" gullible customer "OMG i have to get it he made EQ!.....WTF IT IS STILL IN BETA! GIMME MY MONEY BACK"


by jababab March 28, 2007

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1. Someone who is not capable of performing the job they are paid to do but seems to survive on jobs by shamelessly performing lude sexual acts on boses or co-workers

2. Someone who is employed as a DCS engineer but in all reality struggles with even the most simple of PLC's

1. Guy A " Hey did Nipper finish that job on time"?

Guy B " Nah same old story dude, but he did McQuaid the living shittery out of me"

2. Guy A " Hey did you get that DCS programme working"?

Guy B " Nah the dude was a total Mcquiad, would have struggled on a PLC"

by Randymartin November 13, 2013

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When you can tell someone ate too much McDonalds.

"See that big girl coming from McDonalds? Such a Mcquaid!"

by Shadowarrior March 13, 2018

The McQuaid Brothers

The McQuaid Brothers are characters that can be seen on the hit '80s show called 21 Jump Street.
Doug and Tommy McQuaid are undercover cops posing as very bad behaved high school students. Their objectives is to get involved with the current crime committers at high schools and BUST THEM! Their true names are Officers Doug Penhall and Tom Hanson.

Doug Penhall is played by actor Peter DeLuise.
Tom Hason is played by the famous and amazing Johnny Depp.



"Dude, The McQuaid Brothers are LEGENDS."

by Mrs Tom Hanson March 19, 2009

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bryce mcquaid

A pure, pretty, human being with an angelic voice and laugh that could make flowers grow. Bryce McQuaid is a wonderful dork who deserves everything wonderful in the world and has an amazing and precious fanbase. He is also sometimes referred to as an angel, a cinnamon roll, or just straight up perfection.

Person 1: So who are your favorite youtubers?
Person 2: Well, I really like gamers, such as Bryce McQuaid. Sometimes I don't know if I want to be him or date him.
Person 1: Same, he's so wonderful!

by Mgemmy March 5, 2017

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Oliver McQuaid

An Oliver McQuaid is someone who has severe acne.

You look like an Oliver McQuaid if you look in the mirror.

by Oliver McQuaid March 23, 2020

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Tristan McQuaid

The "lamb", hates most people, ladies I'm single ๐Ÿ˜

I wanna be a Tristan McQuaid so I can get all the girls

by Tristan McQuaid June 24, 2021

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