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Metal detector

When you have your dick in a girl and she is upside down you move her left or right so then you thrust so she moans then move her left or right then thrust once again so she moans like a metal detector beaps.

Yo I metal detectored James Charles.

by Biggest shlong ever August 4, 2021

metal detector

Basically a door frame that you walk through, it beeps if you have anything metallic on you.

while it is mainly used at airports and cruise terminals to stop people with guns and bombs, schools are now using it to stop students from bringing in iPods and phones

metal detectors are commonly accompanied by X-ray machines to scan your bags

Kid 1: Dude did you bring your iPod?
Kid 2: nah, I would've but the fucking metal detector beeped and they took it from me

by applealex November 16, 2009

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Mexican metal detector

(noun) weed wacker

My Gardner was using a Mexican metal detector out side
Of my bed room while I was trying to sleep

by Spoofster84 January 2, 2011

10👍 2👎

Metal Detector

It defines detecting or seaching a metal such as gold, iron,etc.,. metal detector tips

We use Metal detector.

by Elarob123 May 18, 2018