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The demonym for a resident of a city named Livingston

people from France are French
people from Germany are German
people from Greece are Greek
people from Livingston are Livingstonians

by applealex September 26, 2009

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The next Apple product after the iPad

short for iTampon

person 1: Did you get the iPad?
person 2: no, I'm waiting for the iPon

by applealex February 2, 2010

6πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

you dropped your pocket

usually a term said to see if the person is stupid enough to check if they indeed dropped their pocket

also could mean your fly is open

"hey, you dropped your pocket"

by applealex September 26, 2009

165πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž


A word that girls use so they can have something to bitch about

*girl walks into room*
"Gosh it's so stuffy in here"

by applealex March 26, 2010

54πŸ‘ 57πŸ‘Ž

MacBook Air

A laptop that Apple got everyone to fall in love with because of the simple fact that it can fit in a Manila Envelope

Person 1: Hey let's buy a MacBook Air
Person 2: Why?
Person 1: it fits in an envelope
Person 2: why the fuck does that matter? are you going to send it to someone?

by applealex October 6, 2009

75πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž


Something you shove up your ass while listening to iTunes

(Guy calls Apple store pretending to be Steve Jobs)
Guy: We're releasing a new Apple product, you wanna know what it's called?
Apple Store Employee: sure
Guy: it's called the iDildo, you shove it up your ass while listening to iTunes
*Apple Employee hangs up*

by applealex October 6, 2009

19πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž

World War 1

Let me put this in terms a teenager can understand

Archduke Franz Ferdinand was in Sarajevo and Gavrilo Princop popped a cap in his ass

Austria-Hungary got pissed off and asked Germany for help who gave them a "do whatever the fuck you want" or a blank check. Austria-Hungary finally asked Serbia to stop all anti Austria-Hungary activities and let them investigate the murder themselves. Serbia said fuck no and then Austria-Hungary declared war

because Russia was an allie of Serbia it began mobilization (preparing for war) and Germany didn't like this so they said "back the fuck up" to which Russia said no so Germany declared war on Russia and for no apparent reason whatsoever (just to be assholes I suppose) declared war on France. the declaration of war by Germany on France pissed off the English so England declared war on Germany

so basically they're all fighting when one day Germany shot a torpedo and sunk the Lusitania. the United States put their foot down and decided enough is enough and they were going to enter the war.

the Germans shit their pants and I can't remember what happened next but that's how it started

Class, today we're learning about World War 1

by applealex December 3, 2009

290πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž