Source Code


The act of trying to talk while on illicit drugs

"yeah.......yeah...that B.Arent was like.......metting with his text....yeah dude....Imagine if you woke up with hooves!!!!"

by VIIIth April 8, 2005

26πŸ‘ 29πŸ‘Ž

the met

the met is columbia south carolina

cj- β€œ where you from?”
alexis- β€œthe met born and raised!”

by fs3 February 13, 2020

24πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

A Met

Someone unable to perform up to par when the situation requires top performance.

Origin: Cole Hamels labelling the New York Mets choke artists.

Bill: "I thought John smashed that girl Kim."
Cole: "Boy you know John's a met when it comes girls in his bed"

by phillyphil215 May 5, 2010

36πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Short for meticulous. A term used to describe something as "cool", "neat" or "awesome".

Wow, those new sunglasses are really met.
Urban Dictionary is so met, dude.
This new indiglo watch is really met.

by jimmyray greyhair November 23, 2011

100πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž


An acronymn standing for: (the) Most Excellent Team in Sports

The New York Yankees are just not the METS... therefore they suck.

by thomwithanh January 24, 2013

37πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž


slang word for french kissing

i met him around the back of the shop yesterday

by blahblahblah123 June 24, 2005

120πŸ‘ 75πŸ‘Ž


Better than the other New York baseball team with fans that actually knows about baseball and not just bunch of bandwagon jumpers. Here is the real meaning for the METS acronym.

Team in

The skankees SUCK, lets go METS

by METS FAN FOR LIFE December 17, 2003

1269πŸ‘ 941πŸ‘Ž