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A high or low hit that starts offa chain that's unstoppable and u might as well just give the fuck up.

Shit u got thrown in the corner, what kind of mixup is he going to do next?

by X May 1, 2003

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kentucky mixup

combining two individually good alcoholic drinks to make one bad tasting alcoholic drink.

Too many kentucky mixups.

by jphillips767 March 4, 2011

downstairs mixup

a more appropriate way of saying one has a mangina

You've seen my downstairs mixup, you must love me!

by JillH September 22, 2010

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downstairs mixup

British origin


see also junk

Greg- Do you love me?

Paul- I don't know you.

Greg- Oh you know me. You've seen my downstairs mixup.

Paul- Yeah, well I didn't ask to see that, did I.

by bobby le deuche November 19, 2008

31๐Ÿ‘ 17๐Ÿ‘Ž

Peter mixup

Doing smt that someone will do before they do it to avoid their consequences .

Pints: Maybe I should block oily to avoid him from blocking me
I called that the peter mixup

by <3 Dany <3 September 5, 2019

blinky mixup

When talking to multiple persons on AIM, you confuse one buddy's blinking window with another's...Thus creating a blinky mixup. Used most frequently when one conversation is extremely important, and one is more relaxed and care free. The important one being the one that did not blink, and the carefree one being the one that did.

Fakescreenname1: Damn, when you IMed me, I thought Nate's IM box was blinking
Fakescreenname2: Blinky mixup!

by Ann R. Key March 19, 2006

2๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

penis mixup

When you get a blowjob and the girl rips off your dick and places it in her vagina so it looks like she has a dick.

John got a penis mixup with Kelly

by hahaDoodlebob434343 September 3, 2008

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