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Slang for Modafinil. A wakefulness enhancer that helps you stay focused for a couple of hours. Dosage is around 100-400mg. Some side effects include dry mouth, headache, mood swings. And like coffee it makes you pee more.

imma pop some moda and finish this damn essay tonite.

by modabuser April 23, 2021

6πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Another word for tomorrow.

Hell yea man, you comings to school moda?

by modafuckinjesusbitch September 12, 2010

7πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Moda - n (MOH-duh), A word or statement that has no particular value to the person using it but can be twisted and manipulated by another to be used negatively against the original user.

Person 1 - "Your mom"

Person 2 - "Yeah I know she is but you still made out with her."

Person 2's response is a "moda"

by Lucky Str1k3 November 8, 2009

21πŸ‘ 26πŸ‘Ž


Moda means mother & dad. Mother/Mum/Mummy/Mommy and Dad/Daddy.

"Ané is a Moda in this story" said Steven Sæ

by TheBestFlashFan April 30, 2023


Museum of Design Atlanta or MODA is the only museum in the southeastern U.S. devoted exclusively to design. Most popular exhibits include "Graphic Noise" featuring contemporary concert posters from around the world and "Japanese Design 100" highlighting modern Japanese product designs.

MODA is located in downtown Atlanta and is free to the public Tues-Sat 11-5pm.

by MODAGrrl September 12, 2005

8πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Moda ( pronounced mo-day)

The act of a threeway with a mother and her daughter, or your girlfriend and her mom.

Damn dawg I just had a moda with my new girl. It was awesome!!

by Durant 8876 October 27, 2013

13πŸ‘ 24πŸ‘Ž

Moda Hoda

Moda Hoda is an ancient Egyptian god who still lives on this earth amongst us to this day. Moda hoda is the first man to slang astronomical amount of pussy and to invent the word "Freshy" from his fire haircut known as a freshy. We all pray to Moda Hoda every night to one day be half as good as him even though we all know thats physically impossible.


by Moda Hoda December 19, 2022