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Mount Olive

Mount Olive is a place located in a suburb of a suburb of yet another suburb in northern NJ where the best thing to do on a friday night is to hang out in the dunkin donuts parkin lot. Probably the worst place on earth because the cops have nothing better to do but harrass everyone who isn't at dunkin donuts. Oh and its filled with quite possibly the worst people in the world because if your not at dunkin donuts, your not cool apparently. And if you are from Mount Olive and under the age of 18 apparently you have to act like your hard and from the ghetto because its not like your upper middle class kids.

Hey whats there to do in mount olive?
Who the hell cares...

by JBoz December 14, 2005

205๐Ÿ‘ 91๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mount Olive

Quite possibly one of the shittiest places on Earth.
Here's a nice breakdown of the township.
Mount Olive is made up of two main towns, Flanders and Budd Lake. On top of that, some of the unfortunate kids that live in the forgotten neighborhood at the bottom of the Hackettstown mountain and some of the Chester kids are also considered Mount Olive for some reason that nobody can figure out.
Budd Lake, the actual lake itself, is a sewage ditch. Seriously, the fucking sewage from the houses leaks into the lake, so don't go swimming without expecting to come out green. In past years, there have been cars, bodies, dead animals, and fuck knows what else in that shithole they call a lake. The "beach" is basically a strip of garbage and imported sand, and is the number one "vacation" destination for desperate kids over the summer.
There are about 50thousand fucking elementary schools, and the one I went to, was fucking terrible. Sandshore elementary school, aka prison, is a great place to go if you like emotional abuse. If you get a teacher that is slightly less bitchy than a Nazi, consider yourself the most lucky fucker in the entire school. The students endure abuse such as being screamed at for missing a single homework assignment, being ridiculed for not singing loud enough in music, and being treated like inmates by the bitchy lunch aids. I remember being forced to stand in 2 perfectly straight lines before recess and having to shut the fuck up or my part of the line would miss half of recess. If you're caught speaking, within seconds you're guaranteed to have some fat asshole's double chin wagging in your face as she screams and spits all over you. In addition to that, they make all the students wash the tables with rags that are literally falling apart and the dirtiest water you'll ever see, and all the chairs must be placed on the lunch tables with precision or you'll get mentally abused and stalked for the rest of the year to make sure you don't fuck up again. Every morning, the children have to sing a few songs including the school song, the star spangled banner, yankee doodle and a bunch of other bullshit like the alphabet song in spanish.
The middle school is yet another prison. The pregnancy rates among the 6th graders are absolutely disgusting and about 90% of the school population has sucked dick or fucked at least once by the time they move on to the high school.
Simply because they're the oldest kids in the school, the 8th graders think they're hot shit, and that attitude actually caries into the high school, which is the reason why EVERYONE hates the freshman. The freshman from the 07-08 school year were the absolute worst as a whole, where as this year, they're better as a whole, but worse as individuals. There's a midget wannabe scene chick with a locker near me that likes to talk shit about everything that moves. In addition, one of her retarded freshman friends is pregnant and likes to broadcast it to the entire school. "AND I WAS LIKE, OH MY GOD IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M PREGNANT!!!! HAHAHAHA!!! LIFE IS GONNA BE SO GREAT WHEN THE BABY COMES!!!!! IT'LL BE PERFEEEECT!!!" They try to demand things of those that are above them even though they don't even have the slightest clue where their classrooms are. It takes them about a year to figure out that the reason all the 100 rooms are on the first floor, and all the 200 rooms are on the 2nd floor, etc, is because they start with their floor number. The junior class acts like its the senior class and the senior class does nothing but sit around all day because they know they're going to end up in CCM anyway.
The principal is quite possibly the biggest idiot any of the students have every seen and he must be def, because every time he shows up at an assembly or pep rally, the entire student body boo's at him and throws shit, and yet he still continues to make his bombastic and long-winded speeches every morning.
The school spent millions of dollars and hiked up the taxes to astronomical proportions to "renovate" the school, adding a giant and unimportant lobby, a bigger caf and a new auditorium. Everything else is still in the same shitty condition that it's been in for years and there's still a massive shortage of text books and school supplies. At one point, there wasn't even functioning heat in the basement and the classes had to be relocated to the caf when the temperature got much below 50 degrees. All the money was put into those 3 areas simply because they're the only areas the parents and important figures ever see. They've got an effective facade up to make the school seem satisfactory.
The teachers have the second lowest salaries here than in any other part of our county, so all the shitty teachers are still here and all the good teachers have been given jobs elsewhere. However, there's still hope, as some of the awesome teachers have settled for the shitty pay and awful teaching conditions.
Nobody has anything better to do in Mount Olive than do drugs, drink, smoke and hang out at Dunkin Donuts. Without even searching out places to buy drugs, the average student will know at least 3 or 4 places to buy pot, e, and any other drug you can possibly think of. The freshman pride themselves on the fact that they drink and like to put things on their myspace like, "yeah, i drink, what are you gonna do about it?!!111?!!!!!!one!!eleven!!!1!!" because they think it makes them badass.
Half the township thinks they're the most ghetto bastards to walk the fuckin earth, and the other half is made of emo and scene wannabees and the snobby bastards that like to think they're rich just because their mommy and daddy drive themselves into a financial hole by buying them 150 dollar hoodies, 300 dollar diamond necklaces and 300 dollar pairs of Uggs. Those specific people switch from preppy to goth to scene to skater as they see fit (whichever one they think makes them hotter at that moment in time), like to showcase their c-cup (actually a b-cup but don't tell them that, they might implode) mono-tits, jiggling stomachs, fried hair, flabby asses, thongs and they spend half their time naked on webcam with strangers from out of state and the other half of their time hanging out on the railroad tracks and sending nudes to their myspace boyfriends.
You're only liked if you're hot or easy, the rest of the kids can just go jump off a cliff because nobody is gonna like them even if they're the nicest bastards on Earth.
As if the rate of retarded crimes wasn't high enough, they're moving homeless solutions into the forgotten neighborhood at the bottom of the mountain by using a loophole that allows them to place it in an area right at the outskirts of the neighborhood that's considered Washington. And because nobody that lives around that spot is considered Washington and rather Hackettstown, they can't do a damn thing. You can't walk 100 ft down the road without seeing at least 5 for sale signs because nobody wants to be around when they move the just out of jail and rehab hobos into the apartments they're building. You better get your guns kids, the rapists are coming to town. Others will see it as a great opportunity to buy MORE drugs than they already do.
In short, stay the fuck away from Mount Olive.

One of the few sensible humans in Mt Olive: Get the fuck out of my face you dirty whore before I kick your fucking ass like your daddy should have a long fucking time ago.

by i Seriouly hate you, Bitch November 26, 2008

276๐Ÿ‘ 134๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mount Olive

Mount Olive is a township in NJ consisting of two towns (Flanders and Budd Lake) that is considered "upper class." Here's the rundown.
Elementary School: There are four elementary schools, and each is totally different. From the start, the children are treated like CRAP and have to follow specific schedules if they don't wish to be screamed at. Lunch in elementary school is hell because there are about 3 old fat ass hags that scream if the noise in the lunchroom reaches the equivalent of a cat's meow, because it probably is breaking their maxed-out hearing aids. The lunch sucked, including rubber hot dogs (which I learned from experience BOUNCED), other than pizza on Fridays. OH YES!! PIZZA DAY!! The lines became astronomical, so big, in fact, that the children were lined up all the way out of the lunchroom. Recess was similar to prisoners being watched over during their hour of "outside time." If you talked "too loudly" during lunch or ran, played tag, etc. during recess, you had to stand facing the wall while the Nazi recess aids (aka the lunch aids from hell) stared you down. I went to Mountain View elementary, and the quality of schooling there was horrible. The status of the building was horrible, as well. A majority of the rooms don't have proper heating or ventilation, and my brother had to be taken out of his classroom because of a poisonous gas leak. Exciting, huh? You can't even learn a 1st grade education in 5th grade without worrying that you'll DIE from poisonous gas inhalation.
Middle School: Basically hell confined in a prison. The principal is psychotic (as in, happy all the time, like a clown) and the kids all think they're hot shit. The sixth graders, from the start, are all druggies, sex-fiends, and preggo's, other than the select 10 or 11 kids that actually want to succeed. The 8th graders think they're the coolest kids on EARTH, and pick on the younger kids in the school because they're all insecure. Lunch is worse than elementary school, because now there's 4-5 lunch aids that are even more like Nazis. The noise level cannot be louder than a pin dropping, and the food is crap. Undercooked/overcooked, even raw food isn't a surprise here at M.O.M.S. Oh yeah, the 6-8th graders think they're cool cuz they go to a school that's name is moms. MOMS?! Hello, the school's name is the metaphoric name for the damn lunch aids!! EVIL AND TWISTED DEMON MOTHERS. The only good things about middle school are the Medieval Times trip in 6th grade and the DC trip in 8th grade, although, they've cut the DC trip into 2 days, which includes a cruise and a hurried walk through the monuments, which nobody cares about anyway.
High School: Being a freshman pretty much sucks, because you're ridiculed and the beginning of the year always starts with one or two "Freshman Fridays" (where upperclassmen write large F's on the arms/legs/open skin of Freshmen). You're lost all the time and you never have a chance to rest. Being a Sophomore is no walk in the park, either. Dealing with all the new Freshman is horrible, and the work is doubled. Preparing for college and SATs actually begins, and the stress is loaded on for all the people that care, and the others just assume they're going to CCM, when they'll probably be working a cash register at Shop Rite for the next 10 years. Juniors believe they run the school, because the Seniors don't give a shit. The principal was a cheerleader, and HE (yes he) has the most convoluted and irritating "academic/achievement" speeches every morning. Nobody listens to these, and afterword, you're either forced to walk the building, read some book (but no homework) for 20 minutes, or watch the stupid broadcasts put on by MO's TV club of unfunny, unoriginal shit bucket. Lunch is a crazy time, because every single person in the school eats at the same time. They spent tons of money improving the cafeteria, while only 1/3 of the entire school can eat there. The other 2/3 of the school population has to eat on the gym floor/bleachers or crappy picnic tables the cruel, unforgiving janitors have to set up EVERY SINGLE DAY. The pep-rallies are crap, the kids are cruel druggies, sluts, or tools, and the kids that actually want to succeed are forced to learn at a middle school level that will guarantee them a spot at CCM. What a success.

Mount Olive is the worst town on the face of the Earth

by Sophomore In Hell August 10, 2009

26๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mount Olive

Is there seriously a definition to M.O.? Yeah, one word: messed-up. oh wait thats two, but i wouldnt know because i went to school in mo all my life. There's everything you want from a fcked up town. we got your good old druggies, sluts, skanks, whores, dipshits, potheads, btiches, jocks, skaters, posers,wanna-bees, and then... well everyone else wanting to be something they arent. class of 2012!! whoot whoot! you guys got the best rep out there!! yay!! you have pregnant people in 8th grade! yeah suck that!! OH WAIT!! all the girls have :) yeah we got more sluts then the play boy masion can handle. so they sent them to mount olive to fill up these already sucky schools and create more drama then our little mouths can say :) the bitches create the drama, and then complain about it. they say how much they hate it, but then feed the fire. really.. its all a call for attention. who can have the most piercings?!? READY GO!!! yeah, thats what we have sunken to. so everyone here says they hate it so much. and how much they wanna move. but really. anyone who has grown up here, can live anywhere. anyways. we have the basic... "ghetto" where our "gangsters" come from.. yeah half of them are white, but shhh dont tell them!! then we have upper class mount olive. houses bigger then needed, and just take up space. we have the ever so lovely turkey brook. with more soccer fields then any town needs. but hey, a great place to go and smoke pot!! drug dealers all around, and yeah, they get them from the ice cream man! yumm yumm! we have all those flanders kids who think they are the shit just because they can walk to dunkin donuts and piss off the cops. which is very scary by the way!! and then all the apartments by the jail house we call MOMS. yeah lovely places right there. about MOMS: WORST PLACE ALIVE!! pda... yeah that could get you detention. flipflops too. gum yeah that too. SAY WHAY?? i cant wear this shirt bc my shoulders are showing?!?! OH MY GOD!! yeah suck it!! haha they already do!! all in all... mount olive is one of kind. no other place can pull of a rich look like we do. seriously. you wouldnt understand unless you have lived here. and once you do, you just wont be the same again.

Mount Olive rox my sox

by we didnt start the fire August 11, 2008

23๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mount Olive

A suburban town that is actually surprisingly decent and nowhere near as bad as everyone else here says. And DEFINITELY not so bad compared to other "bad" towns cuz we have the same problems as everyone else, not worse like everyone here would like to pity themselves and think. All in all, an average modern suburb that has great points, good points, bad points and a couple perfectly normal shitty points. Oh, and Budd Lake, Flanders and Hacketstown are just lables for the different zip codes, there's no difference between the areas, it's all just Mount Olive.

Mount Olive has 4 elementary schools, Mount Olive Middle School, Mount Olive High School, Turkey Brook Park, Budd Lake Beach and a couple other things, none of which are as bad as people would like to think.

by Cheyenne G May 28, 2011

35๐Ÿ‘ 15๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mount Olive


โ€œmount olive is shitโ€

by sussy among us imposter September 7, 2021

Mount Olive

Mount Olive is an upper class township in New Jersey, where every freaking person thinks they're gangster, but dont know that actual meaning. They go off (the whitest kids) "yo, yo whaddupp g- squizzle fo shizzle". Yeah mhmm. And i mean really white kids say this thinking theyre the next big thing.
Then everyone's emo. Everyone. They listen to the most hardcore music or at least say they do, and everyone is obsessed with emo. Whether its music, personality, or style. "I think shes emo" "OMG are you emo?" I cannot go on about the humongus shoes. DC, etnies, circa, emerica, vans, gallaz, you name it. The bigger the shoe, the better. Everyone owns some kind of huge skateboarding shoe. Along with Element or Fox clothing. "Water, Fire, Your Mom." And heres another thing. To every stupid single response theres always someone who says "your mom". And between every single word every one goes "BAAAALLINN'" But now the new thing is to say "Balling." (In the stupidest voice ever, like in the "omg shoes" video.) Yeah everyones so cool.
In Mount Olive, the coolest hangout apparently is the Dunkin Donuts. Theres a lot of them and one of the most popular ones is the one by the Home Goods. Kids smoke, sit on the hoods of their cars there, blast music. Its so kewl, yeah, mhmm. By the way, that Dunkin Donuts was recently driven into, shattered. Yeah sucks we all know. Sucks for the 12 year old kids who buy iced coffee from there. Another ever popular hang out is the Lou Nelson Park. I personally have been offered drugs there to which i kindly responded no and went home, afraid these people were going to kill me. They drive to that secluded park only to play bball and smoke blunts and get high off quaps and scare little kids. Im not saying they would do anything but in the area near Budd Lake, theres been like 4 cases in one year. Down the street from me somebody attacked a person with scissors and threw a telephone at them. Further down the street somebody was murdered. Around the corner, a man killed himself because his wife left him. Closer to Flanders, somebody was shot and thrown in the dumpster.
All girls in Mount Olive obssess over Laguna Beach, The Hills, etc. They think Mount Olive is a mini version of the totally melodramatic series of Laguna Beach. They think its the most dramatic place every where "shit" always happens. Theres so many rumors, drama, bitchfits, fights, this and that, omg no way's, he said, she said. Yeah believe it or not that happens everywhere.
People think Mount Olive is the kewlest place ever. On their myspaces its always "IM FROM THE BIG MO" Maybe like .5% of the United States population knows about it, its not that popular. They actually made shirts that say "DUDE, WHERES MOUNT OLIVE?" MO Spirit Wear is like the next big thing, sweatpants, gymbags sweatshirts, flannel pjs. And its all worn to the football games that everyone goes to. But only like 1/2 of the people going there actually watch the game. The rest of the people screw around by the concession with the other 200 kids, who dont come back to the bleachers to watch the game after half-time.
Kids always try to start food fights, but NEVER get away with it. Theres always police men in our schools. The teachers will always find out somehow and then theres 30 teachers and police in the cafeteria.
Everyone goes to the rockaway mall, and thats another hangout. Also everyone walks everywhere. Like to everywhere. No matter how far it is.
6th graders think theyre awesome, get high, and are more likely to get knocked up than seniors.
Well theres your basic description of Mount Olive.

God, its so boring here in Mount Olive.

by alliexxxxxxx April 20, 2007

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